All very true Chris.

Only the Greens could think they could build a "mass movement" in society by, one way or another, alienating and insulting almost everyone in it. Women, men, Europeans, farmers, motorists not wanted?

What does it tell you about the Green ideologues themselves; this utter infatuation with their own beliefs? What does that willful blindness imply about their core beliefs themselves? Perhaps men really can't become women just by imagining it, perhaps the European peoples aren't the scourge of humanity, perhaps humanity itself isn't the ruin of the planet.

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Well said. The current Green leadership embrace their ideological beliefs with the righteous fanaticism, and intolerance of religious zealots. More focused these days on a very narrow definition of "social justice", that is only applicable to select groups, while appropriating terms like inclusivity and diversity, and weaponizing there meaning, to attack those other groups in society identified as the enemy. All very sad and divisive, from a former Green Party supporter of many years.

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No Chloe Swarbrick does not have the insight to realize that NZers are not sheep waiting to follow her rainbow circus to the promised land. She is trying to believe in her own fairy story, but all she has is a few fairies and queers, who arent really team players, as we have seen.

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We need a real Green party, one that concentrates on the environment. What we have is a socialist/communist party with a few green policies.

I certainly agree with Chris, under the current constitution, the Greens would never be able to decide anything if they were a major party because of the 75% threshold. Case and point is the voting block that forced the recently retired leader to have to stand again. There is nothing wrong with having strong beliefs but the only way to get anything done in parliament is to negotiate and it appears a lot of Green party members would rather cut their own nose off before they would negotiate or make concessions or run with the best solution over the ideological one which is doomed to fail.

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To construct the society Swarbrick envisions requires deconstructing the one that currently exists. She has already shown a propensity to use the time honored tactics of Authoritarians in her support for criminalizing free speech with prison terms attached. No doubt re education camps, gulags for "political opponents", and a Ministry of Truth would be necessary institutions in this dystopia nightmare.

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Chloe Swarbrick lost a lot of credibility for many when she chanted "From the rivers to the sea ..." etc at pro-Palestinian demonstrations and was subsequently unwilling/unable to articulate what this actually meant. All the charismatic speeches and galvanising of the party faithful will not remove that stain.

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Tell me Chris, this "global warming", is it in the room with us now?

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Global warming is now called "climate change" by educated people.

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Now "global boiling" apparently, Mark. What's next? Global frying? Global incineration?

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Equally true is that if we cannot reimagine ourselves differently, how can we reimage society? Your article enriches the necessary reimagining of social justice and the individual agentic compassionate me/we therein (a capacity for soul which neo liberalism cannot recognise nor birth?)

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Interesting comments Chris.

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