Luxon’s recent “Force multiplier” and related anti China remarks are symptomatic of a deep malaise seeping into New Zealand’s body politic. In reality New Zealand is so steeped in US and Western soft and hard power that Chinese influence a pinprick by comparison. But why all the projected insecurity ..and pot calling kettle black. None of the common anti China tropes stand up to rigorous examination. When seen through the lens of their own history and that of US and western military adventurism, China’s military build up , SCS and Taiwan concerns are entirely rational and inevitable. Surely in the arc of history we can tolerate alternative systems of social governance and wish China well in its efforts to better their society and overcome (as everywhere) their many problems. China’s contribution to New Zealand’s wellbeing over several decades is overwhelmingly positive. Where there are economic imbalances or national resilience issues attributed to China’s extraordinary manufacturing prowess of course trade policies should be adjusted - but the overlay of Sino and Commie phobia, strategies to contain and suppress China, with all the attendant chest beating , democracy and freedom flag waving, make western political and security elites appear feeble minded, and trapped in their own self righteous delusions. Unfortunately Luxon looking like a classic representation. “Force multiplier” for God’s sake! We need to get on and focus on solving our and the world’s problems and reverse this descent into bipolar madness.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

"We" did not take New Zealand out of ANZUS. New Zealanders, who according to contemporary polls were overwhelmingly in favour of ANZUS, never had a say. This was done by the hard Left of Labour, who threatened to pull the plug on Rogernomics if they did not get their way on foreign policy.

The rest of your account reads like a burlesque, and is irrelevant. Now, in 2024, New Zealanders have a choice, to live as free people or to accept the totalitarian fascist future promised by the Chinese Communist Party. Take your pick.

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There are a number of reasons for Aotearoa NZ joining Aukus ( I love the joke about why France wasn't invited to join) even if I heartily disagree with them.

Chris hinted at the cosy relationship the U$A has cultivated (since we declared ourselves "nuclear free of weapons"), with NZ diplomats, military men et al that some may

unkindly describe as "sleepers". They do not want a public debate of the reasons to join Aukus because they might be called upon to

defend war mongers and thus identify themselves. Let's name and shame the reasons.

One such reason is that "We" have not been forgiven our radical expression of independence in 1984 and now we're being

reined back in, perhaps with hints of economic" sweetners", thus far withheld and unlikely to be delivered in full?

'Escalate the debate, not the arms race'. Peace Now.

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In response to China venturing forth vigorously, the military defense agreement signed recently between the Philippines and Japan is on our side of the Pacific. I hope we can be part of something defensive without having to commit ourselves to being fodder in the middle of a war between 2 huge creatures.

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Well done Trevor!

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If you don't stand with your friends, no one will stand with you when you need a friend, putting it veery simply.

Many on the Left's analysis of Aukus is based on their personal mix of childish hope for the best and an adolescent cynicism about the West/US.

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how we are all so rooted into the same earthly space, calls on great mutual care in such politics

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