To what extent is this government just repeating what the Conservatives did in the UK? For example, the way during the initial stages of the covid pandemic contracts were let. Or the false narrative on the need for austerity echoed by our own Minister of Finance. Or the Prime Minister's earlier comments on how the Conservatives set an example.

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It’s spookily similar - and I think this article by Monbiot explains it:

#AtlasNetwork, a global coordinating body that promotes broadly the same political and economic package everywhere it operates.


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One thing that doesn't seem to have been picked up about Troy Elliott is his involvement in local body politics as part of Communities and Residents, which I've always taken as the Nats' organisation for contesting local body elections in Auckland. (Meanwhile City Vision represents Labour and the Greens in some areas.) In my local Council area, Orakei, Troy Elliott was the C & R Deputy Chair of the board in the 2019-22 term. Then in 2022, he moved to Maungakiekie Tamaki, where he unsuccessfully challenged Labour's Josephine Bartley for the Council seat. He was however elected to the Mt Wellington Licensing Trust.

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Another thought provoking piece . Thank you

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I have no problem with this funding. Bill English has an enviable reputation for fair dealing and has worked for many years to endeavour to provide relief for people who can’t afford to access services - or there aren’t any in place ! I am no longer a NP supporter, but Bill English is an ethical ex politician.

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His main claim to fame was selling off hundreds of State Houses to his mates

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It’s sounding more and more as if not only the way this funding happened was dodgy, but why it happened, and also the charity itself and what it does. Meanwhile proven organisations working with severe mental health patients desperately need funds, and haven’t got a look in

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A highly questionable decision.

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I'll keep an open mind with this funding and let the proof be in the pudding.

We need more help for kids and to put it bluntly, mental health is in disarray in NZ. Promises of more funding by the last government that had no plan behind it and just sat there for an extended period of time with little spent is not the way.

At least there is a plan around this spending and I have a lot of respect for Mike Kings efforts in this area.

If we can help more people when they are younger, that should equate to less problems further down the track and as I have a teenage son I say ....wow they have the world on their shoulders these days.....

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