Tana is a list MP. She was elected as part of the "Green Brand" no as an individaual. Electorate MPs should not be able to be ousted - that's the job of their electorate at the next election. Tana is not being threatened because of a policy issue but because of an integrity issue. If it was a policy issue she should be able to put her position to the party.

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Hear hear. I can't understand why the issue has become so muddied or am I missing something?

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A fascinating piece Bryce, some insights there I had not considered

None the less as a taxpayer and a voter I'm not well pleased to be funding a list MP with no party and no policy to achieve nothing but grifting New Zealand out of a wage and benefits package

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Darleen has done much mahi in terms of environmental activism with a particular emphasis on the sea and the huge loss of biodiversity in the Hauraki Gulf. Darleen has a background in environmental science and is keen to keep issues such as the fast track of consents for marine farms and other issues in terms of the seaweed sector.

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I would agree with pretty well all you've written were Tana an electorate MP.She's not.

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Allowing for dissenting views within political parties is integral to Democracy itself, and the groupthink mentality increasingly evident in Parliament since the Covid Era is a serious threat to the integrity of our political system. However Tana isn't a dissenter of Green Party policy, rather her alledged illegal actions in her private life have tarnished her Parties reputation, by association.

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And by the way who commissioned that Curia Poll? I am very curious about that.

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I think the Waka Jumping Act stinks. But what is important here is how this whole matter has been dealt with. We have a waffly executive summary as to did Darleen know about various aspects of Chris's business? And did she share enough of what she did or didn't know with the co-leaders. The report says "seems likely" but seems is not enough. The main complainants were not interviewed. Nothing much to see here actually. But it's pretty easy to destroy someone in Aoteaora right? Just awful how this has played out.

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Tana is not an elected MP. She has not spoken out against Green Party policy but has become involved in a sideshow that actually compromises Green Party philosophy. As nobody actually voted for her she should be ‘Waka jumped’ immediately and her position given to the next candidate on the Green Party list to maintain the proportionality of parliament.

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Tana is a list MP. As such she should be ousted from parliament under the Waka Jumping legislation as nobody actually voted for her. She can easily be replaced by the next person on the Green list to maintain the ‘proportionality’ of parliament.

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If they're competent waka jumpers with guts and determination - for the good of the public - their constituents - and can justify it they should be allowed to remain as independents. No one in parliament is any of that good stuff though.

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