Kia Ora-Bryce indeed your considered analysis does engender that breath/sneeze of life, which is sadly only inferred by Nicola (in her use of 'Te Hei Mauri Ora'). Please keep writing -your words help us see what we otherwise tend to miss

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"anti-government protests around the country will not be convinced"

God knows what they're on about, I saw heaps of Palestinian flags getting waved around. No New Zealand flags that I could see.

Perhaps they'd prefer to have Hamas running the country.

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Kelburn accent, that got a chortle Bryce

Nicola giveth, Simeon taketh away, the tax cut will cover the EV RUC's, feels like a lot of admin to stand still

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Thank you Bryce.

There is also significant, but strangely unmentioned, upward adjustment to WFF. NZ Herald:

"The Working for Families in-work tax credit will increase, giving 160,000 low and middle income families with children up to $50 a fortnight. The income cap for the Independent Earner Tax Credit will also increase from $48,000 to $70,000 - meaning 420,000 more people will be eligible."

My children and grandchildren will be helped by this long overdue adjustment for inflation induced fiscal drag.

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May 30·edited May 30

"It's an intelligent message, positioning her Budget and Government as “for the people”. This is the closest a New Zealand government has come to projecting a populist message."

You, ah, have a big long snooze during the Ardern years Bryce?

Also of course forgetting Muldoon etc....

Otherwise great takes. Thanks. TPM are quite nuts. I'm quite certain that if the entirety of the operating allowances had gone to Maori initiatives they would have still found reason to complain, probably along the lines that they should have just been given the money to spend themselves...


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