I'm Maori (mixed race like all Maori) and I feel ashamed, saddened, and angry that certain Maori individuals continue to dominate the "Maori world" on behalf of all of us.

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I am pakeha and wish I could claim some tangata whenua blood. I am tangata tiriti.

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so how will things change Seann.

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To start, shift the focus away from activists and corporate iwi leadership. Instead, address the real challenges that underprivileged Maori face in New Zealand today. Then, work towards normalizing the relationship between Maori and Pakeha, emphasizing our shared ancestry, history, and both our differences and similarities as one people.

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As two people - this is our country - 50/50. Isn't it about time? We can do it if we calm down. It won't be difficult to identify the opportunistic stirrers on both sides. Name them - and encourage the people to hold them to account.

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But it's no longer two people is it.......and of the two people it would be really interesting............and not for point scoring, but understanding grievance........it would be really interesting to add up who broke the laws that most............who attacked when others were in church........the ultimate irony, bring religion, natives follow, the bringers attack .......multiple occassions Maori while in church or put war aside on a Sunday.................how long can tangata whenua trust when trust has been broken............yup it would be interesting to add that kinda stuff up and see it in a pie graph. Do you believe in generational trauma?

One point that may be relevant to the immigrants to Aotearoa, as in the case of ram raids on diaries etc...........many immigrants didnt think NZ would be like this....they left spaces to be in a better place. So 50/50 is an interesting concept, because we are not that anymore..........and maybe never were. And definitely not in terms of power sharing, seats at te tepu...............thats what the battle is about.

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Thanks for engaging Seann. Being old in the tooth and remembering (as a teacher) when the renaisance for me started around 1982 when I entered education.......learning te reo (basic pronounciation back then) and tikanga, it was a journey that still impacts my life and I describe myself as having a huge tangata whenua heart..........having taught and enjoyed the awhi of so many tangata whenua kids.................back in 1982, it wasn't cool to say 'one' people, and the argument, while not calling for seperate development was more about acknowledging roots and differences.........not that drove us apart, but more that made us unique and wonderfully so. That was back in the day when Maori Sovereignty by Awatere was saying the solution was driving white folks back into the sea from whence they came. I thought the last government had a great heart and the 'normalising', or I would rather say 'getting a seat at the tepu' was happening .......and had been happening via previous governments across party lines and politicians on both sides. Co- governance as a term embodied all that for me. Normalisation required understanding , time and grace.............and not everyone would do that, or devote energy and self reflection to it. When you read Te Whiti O Rongomai, Te Puea or other texts about the past from a Maori perspective, Maori have been nothing but gracious and very principled.............how long fo they wait for redress and justice under white mans colonial law that they submitted to but the white man broke...........how long do you wait? How long do you follow the rules that the dominant culture made and broke? How long?

The path to normalising to me has been so much about 'owning shite' by the government and tryn to move ahead. Lots of honesty and historical fact needed. And its all there.........the facts, we just need to soul searching, and our own souls.

There won't be one people until thats done..............and in a changing Aotearoa and the influx of people who may have no interest in that history, having escaped shizzle in their own lands...........they will just want to get on with it. As the nation changes its consituent make up..............there will be a percentage of culotures that will maybe not care, traumatised by there own backgrounds and subject to the greed of making a better life....................so 'emphasizing our shared ancestry, history, and both our differences and similarities as one people.', is becoming a taller and taller order.....and one that this government is not helping with what it is doing. It has undone so much good, with the swipe of a pen, a raising of the hand in vote..........and the direction is backwards imho. So if Tamihere does some 'clever' manipulating for survival and digging fingernails in the white cliff......good on em. And lets see if the shite sticks on alll this government has done, and sold its own values down the road across a whole lot of areas....conservation et al............Nah it wont happen. This issue is like the old trick when you fart..........you look around and say who farted. I go by the truth that you smell your own first. Hmmmm that reminds me of a political party.....and it fits perfectly.

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I think Te Pati Maori is not good for our Maori people. I'm all for a thoughtful, hardass revolution that brings working class and disadvantaged Maori together - that's most of us. Te Pati Maori are not that. I'd like us to start rebuilding and strengthening the relationship between us kiwis = the descendants of Maori and Pakeha. Our tiny nation, tiny population and beautiful land. God knows so many of us are blood relatives. We should be able to work this out. And as a united people we have to get on to making sure this land stays ours for a start.

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how tho Seann, in a system that was trying to get that moving closer....and now this coalition damaging that............I thought good on them re te Maori Parliament....in the face of this government..........even tho the way it would work and its shape not sure......this government put petrol on the fire and its blowing up in their face............and knowing it will have people saying 'ah haaa thought so', Brash types, Julian Batchelor types, ACT and NZ 1st peeps...........how long are maori meant to wait to get to the tepu.........curious. What's your whakapapa?

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To use the racist card to stifle legitimate enquiry and Willie Jackson,s different forms of democracy comment show the dangers of separatism because they are expecting to be held to different levels of accountability. This is a slippery and dangerous slide.

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No surprises here, Māori have been exploited many times by Māori who hold positions of power within NZ society. It is a bully practice to use one’s position of power to limit another person’s agency, or to prey on those who are vulnerable. There is a great deal of poverty in South Auckland, many people are unable to afford food. A food voucher or package would be a welcome inducement to many struggling families.

Unfortunately some Māori in positions of power seem to think they are a law unto themselves.

Fortunately the Judiciary system is very good at unraveling deception if it occurs, the 3 branches of power are there for a very good reason.

Regarding the “switch campaign” encouraging Māori to switch from the general roll to the Māori roll was also assisted by the University of Auckland, as an alumni I received an email encouraging me to switch. They obviously didn’t have the data showing which roll I was on, but I certainly received the email because I identified myself as a Māori student on my university profile. It did encourage me to switch from the Māori roll which I had been on since I could vote, to the general roll. I have heard many Māori did this.

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Always wondered how much JT cared about anything but himself, after reading this (2005, in his Labour MP days): https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/tamiheres-abandoned-cats-put-down-due-to-feline-hiv/IEYX6EHAP2PSXGXCP76WK4ZPTQ/

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From former staffer Haimoana Gray:

The Darkness Of The Tamihere Fiefdom.

Can One Man's Narcissism Undo Decades Of Good Mahi? Yes.


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This is a beat up just look @ those that are making the allegations!!

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Douglas, the people making the allegations are anonymous at this stage so it's premature (and deceitful?) to be casting aspersions in the direction of the whistleblowers.

From the article: "The probe comes as a number of former marae workers have alleged......" I suspect these people are fully aware of the implications and that it would takes significant courage to stand up to the Maori Party bullies; the least we can do is have the good grace to respect that until proven otherwise.

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Coalition gov dirt seems to fade fast................it's all sus to me. Good point Douglas.

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Here's a solution. No more Voting at any Marae. Keep Voting at schools and halls. Because a Chair of a Marae trust should have the character and wisdom to either resign as Chair, whilst standing as Candidate. She didn't? Conflict of interest. Basics.

PLUS who the heck expects kai when you go to Vote? When has that ever happened? It's a different vibe. It's quite serious actually. I would think it's not ....what's the maori word for...........it just doesn't seem to be tika, right to eat..........during this process of Voting. It's not a hui. It's not a whakawhanaungatanga hui. There's no karakia? There's no waitata. So I call "bullsh#t" on John Tamihere's gaslighting response about providing "kai" during Voting.

Most people won't debate the likes of John, because they're all scared and not solid within themselves. and personal experience he is a bully; and another wahine who was a lawyer and former employee also told me he was a bully from her experience.

He's one of the few people in Leadership that I truly am repulsed by.

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Yes, I am sure that there is seemingly corrupt things happening here. I dislike however, the medias savouring of the juicy stuff against tangata whenua, be they in Te Paati Maori or The Greens. Stuff involving other coalition parties seems to surface, be disgusting enough them slow fades into nothing in the news cycle. Eg, The Taranaki guy and the expenses.......the donations to the coalition party for slap backs..........I am all for any cunning that will stop the elites agenda with Maori, who have waited for a very long time, and in most of that time been very gracious..............ohhh .....and then we have the audacity of the powers that be that over 140 years have broken their own rules and got off scot free.................and now they baulk at this. Good on them I say......................anything that challenges the system that keeps people under the thumb.........the rule of law seems to mean naught in Aotearoa and teh world at the moment.......so how do things change?

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The NZ Herald have decided to ignore this story; nothing on their web page this morning. Too many much more important stories perhaps - like: "Te Puke pink breakfast raises $1300"

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Really, none of the existing political parties are equipped to effectively govern our country. New Zealand still holds great promise, and I hope the public is beginning to realise that we have been controlled by freeloading opportunists from across the political sphere for the past four decades.

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What ever the findings, however this investigation pans out, to be implicated of dodgy electoral machinations whether aimed at the right or left of the political spectrum are totally unacceptable. It is simply not tenable to be outraged by malpractice in a purely partisan way. I will look on with interest at the outcomes of two equally shonky practices from both the right and left.

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