Yes it is obvious! But what is not obvious is why the race relations conciliator has not called out the divisive and racist rhetoric coming from Te Pati Maori on Jack Tames show??? Te Pati Maori is not a political party but a subversive group of racist fanatical race based crooks trying to take over New Zealand on deliberate swerving from the true text of the TOW..... so why is the present government not stopping this travesty?? Because unfortunately Luxon does not understand the treaty and is on the side of the Activists. Thank god for ACT!

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Hope you have all seen the petition to save our coast from Maori takeover?

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Any and all "charities" need effective oversight, regardless of who is running them. It goes without saying that using your charitable status & funding for political purposes is a gross breach of trust as well as law. While I don't EXCUSE Tamihere et al, it is unfortunately true that bad actors will keep pushing the boundaries if no-one stops them, so be interesting to see if the boundaries are enforced as they should be.

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