Trade & secure export markets = good. Not sure about political cosying up to Middle East countries and the current coalition attitude to foreign investment in OUR infrastructure being in the mix. Countries with an existential interest in fossil fuel dependency are problematic if they exercise influence over Aotearoa policy 🤷

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Here's a small gift for you Cindy ... you have 'existential' a bit 'arse about face'




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The more Nations we can sell cheese and pulp wood to the better for those of us locked in by our deflating dollar and stupid tax payer pension which stops if you go on holiday to the kids in Oz

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Never going to happen ... those of us actually 'reading the room' ... know that WWIII ... is scheduled before Xmas ...


(Way too many Kiwis are living in a 'Truman Show' reality ... the sky is about to come crashing down ... on their heads!)


The delusion ... will 'end' soon ...



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Is this why NZ has now signed the UN Resolution? None of NZ’s traditional allies have signed this Resolution, which removes any incentive for Palestinians to stop the violence, begin negotiation and seek peace.

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