Mar 1·edited Mar 1

As usual a good article, but no mention of the biased msm reporting supportive of the Govt Covid response and the blatant non-reporting of dissenting views from medics, academics and the general public. Still no reporting on the many vaccine injured, the rising tide of research questioning vaccine 'safety and effectiveness' outlining adverse events, and the extraordinary ongoing increase in all cause-mortality since 2021. This is the biggest elephant in the room contributing to lack of trust of the msm.

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Seems media in general have refused to accept the election result. Consequently, comment across a number of platforms consistently voice " good riddance." It was stated on a major radio network this morning that "journalists are obsessed with themselves.

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When you describe McRoberts and Hayes as having "huge mana", you name the issue without realising it. They are word stenographers who're as far removed from journalism as is possible.

The reason such "journalists" can move seamlessly between their TV fronting roles and a PR role is that MSM has become PR. Nothing more or less. McRoberts and co simply market the Newshub brand to credulous consumers in same way they could market Pams sausages. The content of Newshub ain't a lot different than the content of a Pam's sausage.. an unholy mix of cheap and unhealthy ingradients, designed to addict the consumer.

That's today's journalism in a nutshell.

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Excellent . . . but as PJ says you've completely left out the elephant in the room which contributed to the huge drop in media trust the last three years.

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Thanks Bryce - but you took a while to get to the real issue - and that is falling listeners/readers/watchers -

All these media companies have falling number of users and thus falling revenue and thus do not have a viable business model

The reason they have falling customers is that they are sick of the left wing bias in its reporting

A good current example of that is todays reporting of Luxon getting money to use this own house in wellington

I have a load of counter arguments but you don't see them in the MSM

I have stopped using Stuff - too far left

I have stopped listening to RNZ - too far left

I never watched TV 3 recently as they are too far left

I only use Herald to gauge the local stories then i go to other websites and radio stations

Until media can be careful to offer an unbiased perspective - or have articles about a story from multiple perspectives - then they will be always worrying about ba viable business model

I take Gaudian weekly and Economist for world affairs

Heaps of web sites to go to to help me understand what is going on

I also feel that social media should pay for content

I am a real cynic but I have lots of reasons to think that way

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You're probably right that "None of what Peters says *here* is uncontested", but that's because he's (presumably, as I'm not prepared to pay to read it) not using that *particular* article to screech about how the mainstream media is worthlessly "woke" or "bribed" and "untrustworthy", but rather to talk in general terms about how important the 4th estate is to an educated citizenry... It begs the question though, how committed to an educated citizenry is someone who has actively spread provable falsehoods, and selectively supports media channels that spread even more provable falsehoods?

Frankly, you don't need to read far into any comments section under any media meta-commentary (like this), to see what a citizenry 'educated' by Peters' 4th estate instincts might look like.

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Can you please tell me what are the "provable falsehoods"?

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Not convincing Tim - most of the Google Fact Checker data is old and does not relate to this actual post.

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The fall of 3 should be a major wake up call to all the bought msm in this country, people are pissed off with all the bullshit lying narratives been rammed down their throats, the left in general are now under attack, their time has come to fell the blade, all the bullshit that the left has been promising over the last 30 or so years, has turned out country into a pathic butch of weaklings, even worse they have divided our country, a shameful situation that may take years to happy our country back to a cohesive society, tied together as New Zealanders.

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I don't believe all the pathic butches are weaklings, though some of the other butches may be.

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How many young people are killing themselves in our country, just spoke to my sister who lives up in Northland, 2 confirmed dead another 2 or 3 trying, we don't hear the real number on the msm, that info comes from friends and family, the same with the family violence, all these stats are will hidden, our foundations as a country are crumbling right in front of our eyes, I spent nearly two weeks in Auckland hospital, the radical maori's and their self loathing whitey mates are talking about decolonizing New Zealand, they need to spend some time in hospital, we are and have been recolonized by lots of different peoples, mainly from Asia and around that area, the radicals and their white self loathers are 30 years to bloody.

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The media have lost the public's trust. They are despised and irrelevant. Anther PIJF would be the finish. The government must stay out of it.

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The MSM are shills for the left i.e. the Labour, Green Party and Maori activists. Definitely excludes NZ1st and ACT. National is just Labour light therefore they get airtime. No wonder people are not watching mainstream news any more.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

An addendum to my earlier post - this is an abbreviated summary of the Senate Panel on the vaccines and includes a section on the media complicity in the vaccine 'narrative' (some would call it propaganda). They concur with your view, Bryce, that the drop in numbers of journalists and rise in PR staff threatens democracy. It doesn't take much to see the parallels here in Aotearoa. https://open.substack.com/pub/amidwesterndoctor/p/this-senate-panel-on-the-vaccines?r=ql0gw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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