The integrity institute should broaden its brief to examine not only what the rich are trying to achieve but also what the vested interests are trying to achieve. It's not only the affluent who want to stop or delay change it is a wider group and these should be called out as well.
You are in my view right to be concerned about the state of democracy in NZ Bryce, enough to create your new vehicle.
The integrity of the mainstream fourth estate has pretty much collapsed.
The judiciary is likewise in trouble, apparently being stuffed full of activists.
As is the public service and academic "thought leaders".
Whilst politicians' integrity has traditionally often been doubtful, you really have to wonder whether we are seeing a new low, with a PM loath to support, even apparently in principle, basic requirements for a democratic society expressed in the TPB.
The integrity institute should broaden its brief to examine not only what the rich are trying to achieve but also what the vested interests are trying to achieve. It's not only the affluent who want to stop or delay change it is a wider group and these should be called out as well.
You are in my view right to be concerned about the state of democracy in NZ Bryce, enough to create your new vehicle.
The integrity of the mainstream fourth estate has pretty much collapsed.
The judiciary is likewise in trouble, apparently being stuffed full of activists.
As is the public service and academic "thought leaders".
Whilst politicians' integrity has traditionally often been doubtful, you really have to wonder whether we are seeing a new low, with a PM loath to support, even apparently in principle, basic requirements for a democratic society expressed in the TPB.