We should not be funding the supply of weaponry to Ukraine or any other proxy war being raged between super powers. If they want to force regime change for their own political gains then we should stay out of it. Give money to humanitarian groups trying to repair the damage caused by the warmongers instead. I do not support my tax dollars being used in this way.

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Good article. I feel disempowered that these most important issues do not have much engagement with the NZ public. It ought to be apparent to anyone looking closely at reality that we are snuggling up to a hegemon that wishes to maintain “full spectrum dominance” while it is in decline and increasingly dangerous to world order.

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Support for Ukraine without similar support for Palestine and Gaza is just hypocrisy - we sanction Russian politicians and military because of Ukraine, we don't sanction Israeli politicians and military for genocide and other war crimes in Gaza, we provide aid to Ukraine, we skimp on aid to UNRWA.

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for gods sake, he is a biden, glue his mouth shut with superglue and guide him him out there, he is is in over his depth, deep shame,

like taking a lad from Ruatoria to akl and he has never seen a train or a plane

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as per the NZ National Anthem, "Peace shall be our boast"

Luxon is not following the tune of New Zealand, instead he's following the pied pipers, which led the RATs to their doom..

Luxon best be very careful, or he will end up where the Rats ended up

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New Zealand should not be sending money to Europe. Western Europe has more than enough capacity to decisively end the war in Ukraine (either diplomatically or militarily), that they don't is a reflection on the lack of importance they place on actually ending the war.

I'd much rather that money be spent on providing the Burmese rebels with arms and equipment where it could make far more difference as well as potentially reap great long term diplomatic rewards. The rebels will eventually win without our help, but that could take many years, our support would shorten that.

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