The creeping corruption and foreign financial invasion of our nation seems so unstoppably relentless, what can you do but hold your hands to your head and scream?

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I read somewhere that Carlos Cheung left a career in science - he is highly qualified - to get into property

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Yes, you did: https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/10/22/new-national-mp-on-switching-from-science-to-property-management/

And perhaps it's a natural next step for someone who has left a medical science career to embrace property investment, accumulate two property companies and several rental houses, to become a National MP and help make the world a safer and more rewarding place for landlords and property investors. National is the right place for him.

What should be of concern is who represents the hundreds of thousands of families in New Zealand who live in rental properties? One third of all households are renters.

Yet the list of MPs' pecuniary interests seems to show that no Te Paati Māori MPs are unencumbered by either property or trusts, and of the Green MPs only Marama Davidson and Tamatha Paul have neither property nor a trust connection (plus Ricardo Menendez March, whose Mexico family home hardly counts).

Three unpropertied Green MPs in a Parliament of 123 to represent the vast and growing number of New Zealand's renters?

Perhaps it's time for a Renters United Party to stand candidates for Parliament who don't own property, and are not the beneficiaries of family trusts hiding wealth.

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