Interesting read, and yes vague as declarations and info from the registry. I accept the privacy deal, but when you become a public figure and governance, in some ways you have to kiss some aspects of privacy goodbye to retain and operate with some kind of integrity.

I had a thought while reading, down around the donation discussion.......and I for one don't trust that policy and awhi isn't bought with donations...........but on a purely surface level I thought that the public must be simple minded. Why? Well how does having more money in the war coffers at election time mean you will most likely get in power? Sadly, I know its possibly about media exposure, from TV to roadside hoardings.................any kind of air time, media specialists, consultants. The sad thing is here for me that it makes Jo and Judy public seem doppey of they can be bought so easily. Maybe that's true, and lies and promises to break is the way to go.

So wise ones, do donations make any difference? (I wish it was forward thinking ideas and vision that did, but?????)

If so, what kinds of difference? And if not, then why are they given???

I wish the public was a wild collective of minds that had to be captured with wit and creative thinking.

This talk of donations and impact has me feeling a tad simpleminded.

Mind you, a fav play by Shakespeare and studied at varsity all those years ago, (and never forgotten) called Corialanus....was on this very theme. The fickleness of the masses. Tis not a new thang then is it.

But are the masses fickle or the politicians.......????

Would love to know peoples thinking on this.

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One thing bigger electioneering budget mean is more $ for polling (which as I understand it is not a something item that needs to be declared). More polling means more change of refining your message to get increased effect. ACT apparently, based on some reporting of their conference last weekend, polls every 2 weeks. But then we do know that they are pretty flush with $ right now.

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thanks Andrew. Then there is frequency bias and other biases that happen around polling.....like its true, I better get on board kinda stuff!

Just reading a very cool book around Magical Thinking............and the outcomes of polls feed into confirmation bias as well as others. It has had me challenging many of my own biases.....which can take hold no matter how hard I try.

Hear this lady on RNZ and got the book.

I got it cheaper than this, and I think there's a free PDF version.


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Yeah - "polling" can be a fine line between understanding where people are in their views and MANIPULATING things by saying & doing things that aren't the policies & strategies of your Party just to gain votes based on what random people think. One thing to change your views genuinely based on evidence, but quite another to be cynically doing it to chase power eh? 🤷🤬

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Quite frankly, given the individuals involved in the coalition govt that we were familiar with prior to them being elected, I guess it was more a hope than an expectation that their transparency would be in line with what they espoused while in Opposition. I actually agree with not revealing ALL details - it is possible for example that some things may relate to challenges family members may have with mental health or addiction etc. & we are NOT entitled to that kind of transparency. IF the people assembling the list could be trusted to only obscure such details it would be fine, but blanket obscurity makes the whole exercise useless. The MPs themselves could solve the problem by personally releasing the information, thereby shaming the rest into doing the same? Oh look...👀 There goes a pig coming into land at Wellington Airport 🐷🐽🐖✈️

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Why are you worrying about this when Oranga Tamariki is training the government social workers in maori spiritual methods of working while children die!!!! Get focused on doing the important work of returning New Zealand to a democracy by stamping out the growing Maorisation and tribalism that has been fostered in this country.

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sheesh, Brian, you would be a Batchelor Brash kinda muse wouldn't you.

'Get focused on doing the important work of returning New Zealand to a democracy by stamping out the growing Maorisation and tribalism that has been fostered in this country.'

I wonder where you immigrated from, and if you didn't.......how'd you get so shallow as a 'kiwi'.

Bryce is doing a great job, maybe you should focus on filling your gaps........but spose ya ain't got any.

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Thanks for the comment...and yes Bryce is doing a great job. Sure I have gaps but you would have to be blind to believe that your taxes are being well spent on maori religion instead of doing what they were meant to...save children.

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specifics Brian, specifics, what are you talking about????? Sources, links....

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Got any facts or any understanding of Māori culture to back up your reckons?

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Grandparents of Hohepa Vercoe (5), Emma Watene (49) and Wayne Watene (42) of Kerepehi, are charged with murdering the boy with blows to the head. Evidence gven at depositions hearing in Thames District Court by relatives Wayne Watene (13) and Joseph Watene (18)

Joseph Richard “Hohepa” Vercoe



New Zealand


5 Mar 1995 (aged 4–5)

Waikato District, Waikato, New Zealand


Wairio Cemetery

Nightcaps, Southland District, Southland, New ZealandAdd to Map

To check out the appalling list of child murders in NZ see ;


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Take a look at the stats. Think about how it was pre European! Ask yourself why Maori asked the Queen to come to NZ and rule because of utu and infanticide. Ask why so many maori children die! There are so many facts that it is hard to know why you ask!

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Brian you sound like the Stop Co Governance roadshow and YouTube Channel. Is this your source and stance?????

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Funny you leave the fact of the adverse effects of colonisation off the list. And add in ‘alternative facts’ about asking the Queen to come and rule.

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What adverse effects??? Longer life expectancy and being hauled out of the Stoneage??? Maori have had huge benefits from colonization. Thank god the British listened to the demands of Maori and came to save them from extinguishing their own race through utu and cannibalism. Yes there were some unfortunate side effects with disease and technology that Maori had not learned to deal with... but mu God they were so lucky to be colonised by such benign people and why and when will they begin to appreciate this?

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Well that is one seriously racist rant.

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Got any facts to show Maori spiritual practices improve community health??

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Not going to engage in correcting your abysmal historical "facts" & sweeping racially ignorant generalisations, but YES! Incorporating what you call "Maori spiritual practices" into health absolutely improves community health - based on personal experience here, and what is YOUR basis for YOUR argument that it doesn't? (BTW "community health" includes the Maori population of all ages & stages in life).

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Okay Brian, loving the debate and meeting of minds. Would you like to clarify what Maori spiritual practices you are referring to. On a global kinda level, where people have a belief system, or world view, most things go better when participants work within that view, for the client and the practioner.....there is a whole heap of learning when there is understanding around something outside of your truth.

One wonders about the mindset of the settlers and the crown around them believing 'white mans burden' et al, that English spiritual practices would help Maori back then..........and then there is bible in schools, that as a teacher and at that time 'a believer', how was that improving community health via being allowed in schools..........when there were / are other spiritualities. It was always a priviledged access to kids from the dominant culture. Anyways Brian, what are these spiritual practices that wont help community health???

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that was just sickening to watch

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