I know it’s wrong to laugh at serious situations, but honestly, she’s hilarious—and by that, I mean utterly clueless. Wellington is crumbling, and Tory is just one of the many who should be shown the door. There’s a whole parade of phony leftists who do nothing but take up space. We need someone tough—man or woman—to step in and get things back on track. Someone who cares about Wellington and Wellingtonians.

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A good assessment thanks Bryce. It needed to be said, and so many people would agree. All her leftie friends are just telling her what she wants to hear, that her mistakes are someone elses fault. Too narcissic to have real leadership qualities.

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How significant that she listened to the opinions of Ardern’s staff! The problem was not that they were progressive women, but that they both weren’t prepared for their demanding jobs, unlike Helen Clark, and were given a free ride by the press prior to their election and for some time after, so they were also unprepared for the disillusioned but legitimate criticism.

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