I see Trump has just selected J D Vance as his running mate for the election, a "Deplorable" as Hillary would say. No doubt the legacy media will attempt to smear him for what he represents while the people will respect him for what he has achieved.

He has had a remarkable life; abandoned by his father, neglected by his mother and growing up amid the despair of post industrial small town America he rose to become a respected Marine and later achieved degrees in political science, philosophy and law. He told his story in the best selling book and movie Hillbilly Elegy. Good choice Donald.


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Yeah - "good choice" to rely on the loyalty of someone who a short time ago compared the former president to Hitler! 😱 From what I have read over recent years Vance lost most of the "respect" his book had given him through his subsequent utterings/behaviours & policy flip-flops to follow the wind direction rather than have a set of ethics & principles to stand for, but I guess in that respect, yeah ... perfect choice (especially as he will not hesitate to stab his lord & master in the back if/when the time comes 👏)

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Thank you Cindy,

I don't know; sometimes it's hard to tell whether someone is being honest or expedient with what they say. I think Vance is honest, you don't. We'll see.

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Thanks for reminding me about the aircraft threat on that day - have to say your point is made in that I am not sure I knew about it at the time, and now only have a vague recollection of it compared to the protestors on the ground & in the streets., plus the aftermath of the cancellation.

Terrorism was not justified in those circumstances, & much as I despise the melon felon running for US president again, political assassination is not the way of democracy - interesting that the shooter was a Republican & do doubt we will eventually find out what made him shoot at his own candidate.

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very insightful article and refreshing perspective Chris. Thank you.

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your thoughtful writing speaks to me of the call to listen into that old question, 'what ails you'?. That when I empathically step into anothers experience, I recognise how some peoples stories remain silent because they are not asked for their stories. In doing so I sense shift spaces from oppositional to engagement....'One of the convenient afflictions of power is a lack of this imaginative extension' [, and of empathy].(Sophia Strand, 2022). Your work is so helpful Chris

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I agree! We might not like it, but it gives us useful pause for thought!!

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