Exactly what have we done to deserve such an appallingly stupid Government as this lot ?

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I didnt do a thing!

You voted for six years of a Pink Cindy, the savior of the lefties, who grew too late to realize that she lacked the skills to do the job; same time with the profligate pimp, Robertson, whose ideological fogbrain made him blind to judicious accounting and the Chipster, who can't define what a woman is. What the hell did you expect?

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I feel that the society I live in if I've got a choice would not involve the mutilation of children's genitals to appease deranged radicals. But hey maybe I'm the deluded one.

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Well, l thought a Dr writing this will imbue it with fair comment, decent quality elements of the debate from both sides, but no, it proved too much to expect. Then I noticed that he works (operative) at Victoria University. Says it all, doesn't it! Probably taking a salary on the taxpayer while he sits in some booklined office and dreams this bollocks up. GO TRUMP.

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Mobley! Mate! I do enjoy your razzmatazz.

That said, I think Dr Bryce is right.

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Well if that is your take on NZ First then National and ACT may as well take a permanent holiday.

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None of this comes as a surprise from the ideological successors to Rob Muldoon.

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