Oh dear yet another apologist piece from Dr Bryce Edwards. This article is the equivalent of the apocryphal wet bus ticket punishment of a government that has all but thrown away any pretense of acting in the best interests of the whole country. Mathew Hooton, Nick Clark, Andrea Vance and David Farrar are trotted out as some semblance of balanced reportage (NOT!) And once again Bryce can't help himself as he boots TPM John Tamihere and the Waipareira Trust in the balls AGAIN for good measure, as if whatever indiscretions that might or might not have occurred are in any way comparable to the blatant chequebook buyout of right wing politicians who write legislation to support the interests of Atlas and othe foreign lobbyists . The Democracy Project really should be renamed 'Democracy for sale'. Comparing Muldoon to Helen Clarke is such an insulting comment and to then infer that Shane Jones list of detractors wouldn't be that much bigger than Clarkes betrays a deep rooted cynicism and lack of objectivity for a so called 'Director of Critical Politics' at Victoria University. This is a FAIL grade Bryce, you really do need to do better. Using some left wing commentary might be a start eh!

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Why no mention of Act in this opinion piece?

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Yes indeed!

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Yes, it’s not a good look.

We have questionable decisions by politicians, a civil service over-influenced by progressive ideas, an activist judiciary and a fourth estate who by and large are also polarised and tipped towards the progressive.

On the plus side this is not going unnoticed. From what I see, as middle New Zealand grows aware of this there is anger building.

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Integrity, a concept quite alien in NZ politicians ......

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Politicians have always been bad as a group. Nothing changes. Funny how many ex cabinet members get cushy jobs after resigning. Red or blue, doesn’t matter: Human nature I guess, waiting for the payday.

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New Zealand, a fast failing state for the average Kiwi, but fantastic for foreign investors raping us.

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Not much faith in Govt and not much faith in Media either

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Shut up and stop debating politics like it’s going to change anything—it won’t. The system is broken, and it’s designed to stay that way. No meaningful mechanism exists to hold leaders accountable. The same people in power are trusted to self-regulate—a catastrophic flaw that keeps corruption, inefficiency, and ethical breaches alive.

The destruction of small businesses, skyrocketing living costs, corporate profits driving inflation, soaring state debt, defunded health and education, and foreign-controlled banks draining billions from our economy—these aren’t accidents. Add human rights abuses, media manipulation, unlawful wars, and policies sold to corrupt donors, and it’s obvious: this is a system without accountability. Leaders act with impunity, and things will only get worse unless we demand real change.

Enter the Leadership Accountability Court (LAC): an independent, citizen-driven body that empowers everyday people to hold leaders directly accountable. The LAC gives power back to the public, ensuring decisions serve society—not self-interest.

Stop blaming politicians or parties. Stop pretending debate will fix this. Without the LAC, nothing changes. It’s not just a good idea—it’s the only solution. Face it: without accountability, you’re endorsing failure. Everything else is noise.

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Thank you for your writing. I really appreciate the work you are doing.

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It looks like your comments werent Woke enough for your reader Mike. You must have crossed a liberal line now, and are due for full character assassination in best left-wing fashion. There is an air of desperation that accompanies this kind of rhetoric. I thought your account was a fair and reasonable critique.

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Why would Muldoon be a problem. He got things going at the time ,although he was welded to restrictive practices as was everyone at the timer.

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