As an old public servant who handed out government funds within the strict framework of policy, this article makes me sick. The public servants who made the recommendation to the Minister (who comes from a good Catholic family) should also be named. How else can we inject ethics back into the public sector?

I was informed of a word this week "kleptocracy". When I looked up its meaning the definition was: 'A government characterized by rampant greed and corruption'. Have we got there yet?

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Good article thanks.

It's worrying that this trend to cronyism is being played out in broad daylight.( well the ones we know about!)

There seems a newish breed of low quality, selfish politician that have no shame ...

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Interesting article, thanks, it would also be interesting to know how much percentage of funding goes to management as opposed to the coal face at gumboot Friday compared with other charities, alot of who missed out on funding after this.

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Another brilliant but concerning expose Bryce.

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From what I can make out Mr Doocey is looking very much like one of Luxon's woke mates come trans gender activist (e.g. https://www.bassettbrashandhide.com/post/citizen-science-matt-doocey-doubles-down-on-trans-healthcare). So there's possibly a pattern of dubious values and decision making going on here. More generally it's starting to look like even National now thinks its ok to go with a "modified" form of democracy, with this and its Fast Track Bill, apparently accepting the precedent set by the Ardern regime for Ministers to brush aside democratic process including fair procurement, in the interests of their pet ideology, pet oppressed group, or because in any case they know best.

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