Christopher Luxon's quote that the allegations “go to the heart of trust and confidence” in our democratic processes must surely be the most extraordinary utterance from a man leading a coalition government that is currently rewriting the rule book on transparent ethical behaviour. I'm just surprised he was able to utter them without choking over his hypocrisy.

The continued hauranguing of an inconsequential minor party, in the corrupt theatre of politics currently being enacted by the troika, is a bizarre demonstration of diversionary tactics by a partisan media, determined to ignore the prescient dangers to the democratic process in Aotearoa New Zealand, as they chase the wrong villains.

I would echo Willie Jackson's request that the same level of scrutiny be placed on the National Party.

'The Democracy Project' in its persistent coverage should be careful that the 'bone' doesn't fly from the 'dogs' mouth and take some teeth along with it.

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This scandal looks so big that it is hard to know what to say yet. I suspect that dirt will be dug up in every direction, until that new TPM MP has to resign.

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