Duncan Greive (Spinoff): An abrupt U-turn from National, a brave new world for news in New Zealand
Tim Murphy (Newsroom): Ministers will shake the Facebook and Google money tree for NZ media
RNZ: 'Terrible precedent' - Expert concerns about Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill
Liam Hehir (The Blue Review): Why Paul Goldsmith's "good cop" routine is doomed to fail (paywalled)
David Farrar: Stupid Government backing Willie’s bill
Chris Lynch: Paul Goldsmith’s Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill will decimate local news
Stewart Sowman-Lund (Spinoff): An unexpected (and overdue) helping hand for the media
Martyn Bradbury (Daily Blog): Digital Bill announced as Newshub murdered
Richard Harman (Politik): Goldsmith’s media move; “unprincipled” “sop” (paywalled)
Felix Desmarais (1News): Media crisis: Govt outlines plan to open up revenue stream
Mark Quilivan (Newshub): ACT Party 'agrees to disagree' with National on Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill - David Seymour
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Mediawatch: Digital news Bill backing a big shift by government
RNZ: Coalition to press ahead with Fair Digital News Bargaining Bill
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Post): Digital news bill help for sector ‘under enormous pressure’, says minister (paywalled)
Patrick Gower (Newshub): That was f**king Newshub
Shayne Currie (Herald): Media Insider: Newshub closure – former MediaWorks chief executive Mark Weldon breaks silence; 6pm TV advertising battle heats up (paywalled)
Isaac Gunson (Te Ao Māori News): More media cuts? Whakaata Māori prepares for $9.5m funding decrease
Sam Smith (Stuff): Whakaata Māori facing a $9.5 million funding decrease
Chelsea Daniels (Herald): Front Page: NZ media shake-up: Shortland Street’s lifeline, Newshub’s final goodbye, and a new look 6pm bulletin
Russell Brown (Listener): The final countdown: Just four days before Stuff takes on broadcast news (paywalled)
Emily Brookes (Stuff): Here’s what will replace Newshub’s bulletins and AM show
RNZ: Award-winning academics, NZ journalists headline Pacific media conference in Fiji
Centrist: We don’t think there is balance in the media coverage of National and the Greens
Thomas Coughlan (Herald): Welcome Project Orange: the new name for project to replace ferries
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Government ministers raise concerns about financial outlook and safety record at KiwiRail (paywalled)
Michael Daly (Stuff): Class surveyor on board Aratere in ‘crucial’ stage to get the Interislander ferry going again
Deborah Morris (Post): KiwiRail to be sentenced over drifting ferry (paywalled)
Georgina Campbell (Herald): KiwiRail board directors Rachel Pinn and Ed Sims resign after chairman David McLean retires early
1News: Two KiwiRail board members resign amid Govt 'refresh'
Oliver Lewis (BusinessDesk): KiwiRail directors resign after Willis calls for 'board refresh' (paywalled)
RNZ: Bluebridge ferries cancellations add to Cook Strait crossing woes
1News: Govt scraps unlimited free driver licence test re-sits
Newshub: Big change to driver's licence tests coming, Transport Minister Simeon Brown announces
RNZ: Government scales back free driver's licence re-sits over wait times
Anna Whyte (Post): Only one free driver licence resit from July 8 (paywalled)
Alan Granville (Stuff): Air New Zealand flight takes off for Shanghai. Nine hours later it lands back in Auckland
Emily Ireland (Local Democracy Reporting): How a NZ council is saving up to $3000 a day on roadworks
Julie Jacobson (Post): Traffic light crossing bonanza raises hackles
Fox Meyer (Newsroom): Govt drops the name ‘fast-track’
Jenée Tibshraeny (Herald): Nicola Willis opposes calls to establish unit to monitor government finances, as concerns over credibility of budgets are flagged (paywalled0
Jem Traylen (BusnessDesk): Business of Government: Do quarterly reports deliver? Playing policy snooker, and more (paywalled)
Perry Wilton (Newshub): Parent calls for guidelines after David Seymour's historic Snapchat messages to teen daughter
Roy Morgan: National support increases marginally in June as support for Labour slumps back below 30%
Giles Dexter (RNZ): Labour kickstarts bid to win back Auckland
Herald: Labour leader Chris ‘Chippie’ Hipkins shows off impressive chippy skills, crafting TV cabinet from scratch
Richard Prebble (Herald): The lessons NZ should take from the US and UK elections (paywalled)
Benjamin Plummer (Herald): Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson to undergo surgery tomorrow after breast cancer diagnosis
Centrist: Are the left’s failures pushing women voters to the right?
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