Endorsements for Democracy Project's email service
The following are some of the endorsements received for the Democracy Project’s email services:
Testimonials from universities
Prof Jack Vowles
Political scientist, Victoria University of Wellington
“I strongly recommend Bryce Edward’s New Zealand Politics daily to anyone with an interest in following media coverage of New Zealand politics. From mainstream media to more obscure web pages on both left and right, it provides a ‘go to’ source for following the latest media reports, opinion, and political analysis.”
Prof Andrew Geddis
Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of Otago
“The NZ Politics Daily news summary is essential for anyone wanting to keep their finger on the pulse of the nation – in an era of proliferating sources, having one freely available curated repository is a massive public service.”
Prof Alan Bollard
Professor of Practice at the School of Government, Victoria University of Wellington; Chair of the Infrastructure Commission
“NZ Politics Daily” provides a great public service – a quick and unbiased way to check policy announcements and analysis every morning.”
Prof John Halligan
Emeritus Professor of Public Administration and Governance, Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis, University of Canberra, Australia
“The emails from 'NZ Politics Daily' provides an indispensable service for an expat trying to keep abreast of events in New Zealand. As a comparative specialist I'm unaware of anything comparable in other anglophone countries that provides a diversity of viewpoints on current events and which serves as a valuable recent historical record.”
Dr Lisa Marriott,
Professor of Taxation, Associate Dean (Research)
“There is never enough time to search through all potential sources of political news, so NZ Politics Daily provides me with an excellent synopsis of the key stories across a range of ideological perspectives. I find it extremely useful.”
Associate Professor Grant Duncan
Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand
“The NZ Politics Daily email is very helpful in giving me a quick overview of current events and opinion. It allows me to pick out important or informative columns that I may otherwise have missed.”
Joe Atkinson
Political scientist, University of Auckland
“NZPD is an indispensable source for political junkies like me. It sorts the wheat out from the media chaff and saves a lot of time.”
Dr Lara Greaves
Political scientist, University of Auckland
“I love the NZ politics daily emails as they help me to keep on top of current events. It's incredibly easy to skim through and follow the links. I really appreciate these as it means that I am exposed to a wide range of media outlets and issues. I recommend these often to colleagues and students.”
Prof Elizabeth Rata
Sociologist of education, School of Critical Studies in Education, The University of Auckland
“NZ Politics Daily’ is a superb news filter. It’s comprehensive and organised. All I need to do is select which section I want to read first – usually the Education one - and everything written about Education in the preceding 24 hours is immediately available. In these days of news overload and a sectarian media, NZ Politics Daily provides access to all points of view. Thank goodness for that.”
Prue Hyman
Economist; former Associate Professor of Economics and Gender and Women’s Studies at Victoria University of Wellington
“Bryce Edwards’ emails NZ Politics Daily does a great job of putting together the urls of the vast majority of the day’s columns on NZ politics and economic and social policy in one email. I am sure it is very useful to many people, classifying them by theme (covid, work and employment, housing etc etc) and saving recipients a lot of time in searching for themselves. I find I only have the time and energy to look at a few of the columns, varying according to how busy I am, but scanning the list each day has been very useful to me in seeing things I have missed, gaining a range of perspectives on the same issue etc. I hope that Bryce gains the funding he needs to continue providing this list to recipients.”
Andy Newman
Director, Strategy and Planning, Wellington Faculty of Science, Victoria University of Wellington
“The NZ Politics Daily service allows me to keep on top of the latest developments across a wide spectrum of the political landscape. The service means I don’t need to spend time trawling the internet to find these insights. I particularly value the fact that the service provides a broad range of political opinions and allows me to gain a sense of the differing views of events as perceived by the media landscape.”
Dr Judith Sligo
Senior Lecturer, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Otago
“Your daily emails provide links to an extensive array of resources that are helpful for teaching and research purposes as well as keeping up with the current issues as a citizen!”
Prof Annie Goldson
Lecturer in Media and Communication, University of Auckland
“I find the NZ Politics Daily email a very useful snapshot of attitudes and perspectives circulating in Aotearoa NZ at regular points in time. In both my work as a documentary filmmaker and as a Professor at the University of Auckland (where I teach a Journalism Studies paper amongst other courses), I find Edwards’ summaries invaluable. They also provide a historical record, a synthesis around issues that are pertinent to us all.”
Dr Kevin Moore
Associate Professor in Psychology & Tourism, Lincoln University
“For me, the big advantage of NZ Politics Daily is the breadth of opinion and sources it gathers. Together. There is always a mix of news reporting, news analysis, opinion pieces and blog posts. That breadth is also in terms of type of source: from mainstream news outlets to lone bloggers. The coverage of topical issues on a daily basis allows for an extensive–even exhaustive–coverage of the range of facts and opinions available in real time. As an academic who teaches and researches in areas such as tourism and wellbeing, the daily update of where public debates are at on such topics as COVID-19, inequality, poverty, housing, the environment, etc. provides an excellent source both to keep me personally (academically) informed and as a reservoir of resources for my teaching. Students love to see lecturers who are engaged, and up-to-date, with the latest issues and controversies. NZ Politics Daily probably makes me look far more broadly engaged and up-to-date than I deserve to appear!”
Dr Timothy Fadgen
Lecturer/Master of Public Policy Programme Director, University of Auckland
“As a researcher and teacher of New Zealand public policy, politics and government, I can say without reservation that the NZ Politics Daily emails are essential to staying atop the nation’s political and policy matters. No other information source so effectively and consistently brings together a diversity of news from such a wide-range of sources from around the country. In short, the resource is one that those of us engaged in the study of New Zealand politics and policy could not do without.”
Professor Tony van Zijl
Professor of Accounting & Financial Management; Director, Centre for Accounting, Governance and Taxation Research, Wellington School of Business and Government, Victoria University of Wellington
Also: Honorary Consul, People's Republic of Bangladesh
“The service is a useful source for keeping abreast of developments in NZ, in particular, the economy.”
Dr Andy Asquith
Senior lecturer in Public Management, Massey University
“The NZ Politics Daily email is my essential start to the day. As a local government scholar, I’m able to see instantly what coverage has been provided by the NZ media. Over and above this, the comprehensive nature of the material covered is in itself noteworthy.”
Dr Grant Morris
Associate Professor in Law at Victoria University of Wellington
“I look over NZ Politics Daily every morning. It sets me up for the day and means I'm always up to date with developments and different perspectives on key issues.”
Dr Rosemary Wette
Associate Professor, Applied Linguistics, University of Auckland
“I've been browsing regularly through NZ Politics Daily for several months now. It gives me access to a range of views on current issues (helpfully organised by topic) that I wouldn't otherwise have time to look up, or know about. It's an immensely valuable service to all New Zealanders.”
Geoff Fougere
Sociologist, Public Health, University of Otago
“New Zealand Politics Daily provides essential access to the widest range of New Zealand political reporting and analysis.”
Dr David Bromell
Senior Associate, Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University of Wellington
“While working as a public servant, NZ Politics Daily was a useful tool, because it alerted me to wider public policy issues than workplace-based media scanning. Currently a research Fellow in Germany, I’ve used it to keep in touch with local news that bears on my research on the Christchurch Call and related issues of censorship, social media regulation and ‘hate speech’. Part of its value is that it includes media content from a range of sources and across the political spectrum.”
Mengdi Zhang
Phd student in International Relations at Victoria University of Wellington
“The NZ Politics Daily service provides informative news. Reading it has become my daily habit and it keeps me updated about NZ politics. I would love to suggest it to more people.”
Minna Reid
Law student, Victoria University of Wellington
“As a Uni student, staying up to date with current affairs is always important. The Daily Politics & Democracy Project by Bryce Edwards is of great service for this. It offers varying news sources I would not of found myself on a myriad of subjects. I know myself and lots of my friends use it on a daily basis as a great source of current affairs.”
Derek Hobbs
Student, Massey University
“I can certainly endorse the value of this service. I am a history and politics student at Massey University. My current course is about Government, Law and Social Policy, and even in today's email there are at least 3 stories about social policies, which are very useful for my course.”
Testimonials from politicians and Parliament
Peter Dunne
Former parliamentarian and minister
“One of my first tasks every morning is to seek out my NZ Politics Daily email. It is without doubt the best and most comprehensive source of news about what is happening in politics in New Zealand, and is my top information source.”
Simon Bridges
Former Parliamentarian and minister
“NZ Politics Daily is an essential news service for me, enabling me to cut through the constant noise and quickly see what’s going on. Dr Bryce Edwards and NZ politics Daily are a big public good, keeping kiwis, even politicians, better informed.”
Heather Roy
Former parliamentarian and minister
“As a political commentator I find the 'NZ Politics Daily'' email extremely useful. It is great having links to up to date topical political issues listed in one place and I'm particularly grateful for the inclusion of blog posts, many of which I would likely not see if they weren't listed here. When my articles are included in the list the readership stats are greatly enhanced. Many thanks to the Democracy Project team.”
Brendon Burns
Former MP
Brendon Burns & Associates Ltd
Economic & Environmental Communications
“Politics Daily is simply the best go-to summary of everything in and around central and local government and much more besides. Compulsory daily reading.”
Testimonials from the media, journalists, political commentators
Claudette Hauiti
Produder/Host, Radio Waatea
“Me tuku mihi ki a koe me tou mahi i te ao pāpaho o Aotearoa. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to critical information sharing. I appreciate the range and depth of articles distributed and especially support your inclusion of Māori Media agencies and voices. It is probably the only site that provides a one-stop shop of articles and for me as a Broadcaster and a commentator on Māori issues an opportunity to compare and contrast media perspectives. Nō reirā me mihi ano.”
Chris Trotter
Political commentator
“NZ Politics Daily has become an invaluable resource for all those who practice, study and/or write about politics in New Zealand. So much so that I can’t remember how I ever did without it.”
Librarian, RNZ
“I look at your emails every day – they are invaluable for someone like me.
Haven’t seen anything like it anywhere else. Curated but broad coverage of what’s happening in NZ politics – it’s a gem. Daily emails are best because the content is small enough to skim through. Good luck.”
Matthew Hooton
Political commentator
“For anyone whose job requires them to keep an eye on policy and politics, NZ Politics Daily is an indispensable resource – in 30 seconds each morning, you can get an immediate feel for exactly what is big in politics, with links if you need to learn more.”
Colin James
Political commentator, author, and columnist
“Bryce Edwards' five-days-a-week digest of links to articles on policy and politics is a valuable resource, both on the day for those who need to know or are just plain interested and as an archive for those who need or want to track the evolution of an issue or politician or political party. The longer it continues, the more valuable that archive will become.”
Bernard Hickey
Journalist and commentator
“NZ politics daily is so useful I think Bryce and his team should charge for it! But it’s great it’s available for all and I hope it gets the financial support it needs. A real-time experiment in whether there is enough of a private subsidy in donation form to pay for a public good.”
Jim Hubbard
“NZ Politics daily is a go to for cartoonists, or should be. Political reporting enmasse like this gives cartoonists and political junkies a smorgasbord to get their teeth into. Essential and I daresay vital reading for those who care about the future of NZ.”
Dr Gavin Ellis
Former NZ Herald editor; media commentator and consultant
“NZ Politics Daily's comprehensive audit of media coverage is an invaluable monitor on the civic affairs of this country. Its categorised links to original content are an excellent online source of news and commentary each day.”
Hamish Rutherford
Journalist, New Zealand Herald
“I find the NZ Daily Politics an important part of my morning, allowing me to scan and access a wide variety of the material published in New Zealand over the previous 24 hours. It often draws my attention to work I would otherwise not be aware of.”
Peder Gustafsson
Asia Correspondent, Swedish National Radio
“As a Asia-Pacific Correspondent for the Swedish National Radio The newsletter from NZ Politics Daily is one of my best sources for getting information and keeping up with what's happening in New Zealand. I appreciate the variety and breadth of the information I receive. It makes my daily work a lot easier.”
Denis Welch
Author and commentator
“In a world where we’re potentially inundated by newsfeeds, NZ Politics Daily serves an invaluable function in providing direct access to news reports, articles, blogs and other commentary of interest to anyone wanting to know what’s going on in New Zealand politics and society generally. I wouldn’t be without it in my inbox every day. It saves a lot of internet scrolling and surfing. And Bryce Edwards’s own analytical pieces from time to time are equally invaluable in drawing together the strands of complex debates. There’s no other service like NZPD for keeping us informed and engaged.”
Kim Gillespie
Editor of NZME newspapers in Lower North Island & Communities
“I find the daily email great for giving me an overview of each morning's big issues across the media landscape, and really appreciate the huge amount of work that must go in to compiling it each day.”
Nevil Gibson
Former editor of National Business Review
“The Politics Daily Newsletter is essential reading each day.”
Selwyn Manning
Managing Director
Multimedia Investments Ltd
“NZ Politics Daily is my 'must view' morning information resource. It's a reliable and robust list of the main issues currently under discussion in New Zealand. It contains links to corresponding top media coverage and as such is a litmus test of public sphere discourse, a pulse of what's happening in New Zealand on any given day.”
Clive Lind
Former editor of Southland Times, Evening Post, Manawatu Standard
“NZ Politics Daily has become the most comprehensive and valuable daily compilation of Aotearoa’s political and economic news coverage. Diligent, unique and neutral, it offers a forum that benefits readers of every political persuasion, that is, every New Zealander.”
Martyn Bradbury
Editor, The Daily Blog
“’NZ Politics Daily’ is one of the most important news and political resources run in New Zealand. The expert collation of opinion and news makes it an invaluable day to day resource as well as an incredible treasure for researchers in the future. What makes 'NZ Politics Daily' so different from other daily headline services is the expert selection of what is genuinely insightful and what is just background media noise. It is a must read daily list of all that is worth reading.”
Rachel Stewart
Columnist and commentator
“My morning starts with NZ Politics Daily. It keeps me up to date with relevant commentary about what’s happening throughout the nation and because it’s all in one place the hard work is already done for me. Wouldn’t be without it.”
Testimonials from the public sector and NGOs
Len Cook
Former NZ Chief Government Statistician; Former UK Chief Government Statistician
“I find the thoroughness with which topics of the day are covered means that with one email I get a very good coverage of the areas that I am mainly interested in, without having to weed through other areas.”
Ros Rice
Executive Officer, Community Networks Aotearoa
“Community Networks Aotearoa has been subscribed to NZ Politics Daily for some time now, and it is one of the most regularly read items in the office. It enables us to instantly get feedback on media views on topics of the day. Also, we can see by the number of links, if a subject of interest to us, is receiving much attention by media and politicians or not. Bryce and his team do a fantastic job of collating media and political commentary and we already recommend it to other NGOs on a regular basis.”
Mike Treen
Advocate, Unite Union
“Please continue your incredible work compiling these news digests. As someone operating in the fields of advocacy for workers and the broader social justice areas it is invaluable to be able to check what is happening in the media relating to the issues I have to deal with.”
Dion Martin
Organiser, FIRST Union, for the past 32 years
“It's so good to be able to open up NZ Politics Daily, and know that I have instant access to credible, well sourced news, views and opinions, all in one place. Yes its a 'one stop shop' for political junkies like me, who relies heavily on this smorgasbord of trusted links to be able to understand this diverse world as each day unfolds, and therefore operate affectively in my relationships with workers and employers in the wide variety of workplaces I go into on a daily basis.”
Ross Henderson
Organiser, Etu union
“The NZ Politics Daily *is a wonderful resource that is formatted to enable readers to instantly locate news and opinions in a quick and efficient manner. Thanks for all the hard work producing such an enjoyable and up to date resource.”
Dr Mike Reid
Principal Policy Advisor, Local Government New Zealand
“NZ Politics Daily is essential early morning reading in our organisation like LGNZ. To effectively represent our members we need to understand and respond to changes in the political landscape, particularly policy and political changes at the national level and emerging issues in our regions and localities.”
Dr Oliver Hartwich
Executive Director, The New Zealand Initiative
“There is a dearth of quality journalism in New Zealand, and so I am grateful to NZ Politics Daily for sifting through our media to discover the gems of reporting and opinion editorials. It is a valuable contribution to our country’s public debates.”
Liz Brown
Senior communications advisor, Association of Salaried Medical Specialists
“The NZ Politics Daily is a fabulous resource providing a comprehensive one stop shop on what’s making news and how stories are being covered. I look forward to seeing it pop into my inbox every morning.”
Testimonials from political activists
Tim Selwyn
“NZ Politics Daily is a must-read - as soon as it arrives in the inbox. The expansive list of sources - mainstream media and blogs, news and opinion, niche and general interest, in-depth and cursory, open and premium content - is an unparalleled comprehensive coverage of public discourse from every political perspective making it an invaluable tool in discerning the nation's zeitgeist. The list is also an accurate macro gauge snapshot of media output on each subject and you can clearly see what issue has prevailing importance and in the public consciousness in the previous 24 hours. Being daily and organised by subject you can track the development and trajectory of issues easily. The combination of journalist authored news stories and political and expert commentary links in one list is ferociously efficient and saves me a great deal of time. NZ Politics Daily has become to me both the start and finish of the news cycle in New Zealand.”
Guy Salmond
Environmentalist; Director, Ecologic
“This topic-based daily roundup of news and commentary is uniquely attuned to the breadth and diversity of Aotearoa-New Zealand today. It covers the mainstream media yet also reaches beyond, skilfully picking up insights on emerging issues and undercurrents.”
Juliet Adams
LIFT Library, Lyttelton
“Every morning I skim through my email from “NZ Politics Daily” for up-to-date articles on topics essential to my life, especially climate issues, which my daily newspaper, The Press, has much less focus on now. I just wish I had time to read it more widely, but my volunteer responsibilities in various organisations don’t leave me enough time or energy, as an 80-year-old. I also promote this daily service to like-minded friends, some of whom cannot afford to buy a print newspaper.”
Sandra Murray
Activist, Make It Legal campaign
“Instead of seven apps on my phone, I can get one email with links grouped according to topic, saving me time and frustration. It means I am not bombarded with sports news - which I hate but news apps force me to receive. I find myself reading things I would not have come across by myself, written by authors I would never have bothered with under my own habits – it breaks me out of my bubble world to see what other people think about an issue.”
Testimonials from others
Shamubeel Eaqub
“NZ politics Daily is a great little digest of all the news of the day in one place, including blogs, that provides a wider perspective than just my news subscriptions.”
Bill Ralston
Media consultant and columnist
“NZ Politics Daily provides an invaluable service for journalists, politicians, businesspeople, decision makers and the public at large by providing an easily accessible, exhaustive, link to every significant political story in the country's media that day. It's a gem of a service that many of us cannot do without.”
Ian Powell
Health commentator; former Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists
“For over 30 years I was (until the end of 2019) I was employed as the Executive Director of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists. Since then I have been a freelance writer and health commentator. This includes being a columnist for NZ Doctor and panellist on Radio New Zealand’s The Panel. I also publish a regular health systems blog called Otaihanga Second Opinion and have had several online articles published by the Democracy Project hosted by Victoria University. In both roles I have found NZPD a superb service (as close to indispensable as something can be) because of its frequency, regularity and, especially, its highly impressive comprehensive. NZPD’s inclusion of so much material from the mainstream media is valuable but in addition its inclusion of relevant social media is a real positive plus. I have no hesitation in recommending NZPA as a public good worthy of generouls financial support.”
Raf Manji
Strategy and Risk consultant; TOP Leader and election candidate
“NZ Politics Daily’ is a very useful daily archive of relevant stories, curated for efficient consumption. It often brings to my attention stories I may not see, and it provides for a much wider range of accessible information and news than would be possible for any individual to gather.”
Dr Simon Ewing-Jarvie
National security analyst and commentator
“As a national security analyst and commentator, I start my day's reading with New Zealand Politics Daily from Dr Bryce Edwards at The Democracy Project. It is tremendously useful both in its categorization and the time it saves me. Because it spans all media channels, including selected blogs, it frequently alerts me to articles that I might not otherwise have found. I recommend it as an essential tool for journalists, politicians, researchers, officials and managers.”
Jen Olsen
“I've been receiving your NZ Politics Daily for over two years now and I find it a great way to select interesting and topical articles on political issues that are important to me. It tells me what subjects are being discussed most prominently in the media and gives me a range of the views that are being publicly aired about the issues that I believe need to be discussed. I think there is a good range of topics selected each day and a cross section of political views are represented. It's great to catch up on the latest from prominent commentators and experts in their fields and I rely on your daily email to find these articles so I don't have to search through many sites and sources.”
Sue Wilton
“I really rely on this service for my daily news, particularly now that I have cancelled my weekday subscription to the DomPost. I love being able to pick and choose what I read and having blogs drawn to my attention that I might not necessarily see. Having the articles grouped under headings is excellent.”
Nathanael Rais
“NZ Politics Daily is an accessible and informative news source that really helps young people like me engage with current events in New Zealand politics. Thank you sincerely for putting out these posts.”
Ann David
“Show me the publication that doesn’t want a larger readership, and I’ll show you the publication that need not be grateful to NZ Politics Daily. It brings opinion to a wider audience while still respecting paywalled articles. It’s not just readers who benefit; the media does too. Thank you NZ Daily Politics.”
Barrie Saunders
Former government relations consultant
“I find the daily email service very useful in the way it summarises and provides links to all the news and commentators of interest and have missed when looking at the media sites directly.”
Janet Wilson
Communications advisor
“NZ Politics Daily is an essential compendium of the country's leading newsmakers and opinion writers. It's essential reading every morning and a litmus test on any given day for where the 24/7 news narrative is headed.”
Derek LeDayn
Researcher & management consultant
“NZ Politics Daily is a unique resource and my best and only go-to for comprehensive links to news and analysis. I regularly recommend it to friends and colleagues.”
Mark Hall
“Your NZ Politics Daily emails are most useful in readily accessing informed commentary on important issues of the day.”
Karl du Fresne
NZ Politics Daily delivers so much information and opinion that it’s like trying to drink from a firehose. You just have to cherry-pick it for whatever’s relevant to you. But because the news media are now so fragmented, it’s exactly the service we need to keep track of everything. If I want to know what happened on a particular issue on a particular day, it takes only a quick search back through my NZPD folder to find it. –
Liz Gordon
I just hate NZ Politics Daily. I get settled in to do a good day’s work and ZAP, it arrives in my inbox like a little shiny gift. I try to ignore it but my cursor creeps inexorably towards the prize, and one click later the goodies are displayed, begging to be read. Without willpower (and most has been used up over Covid compliance) I can spend a couple of hours reading through the links (and this is after my morning fix of the Christchurch Press, which I still read in neanderthal form and a visit to the Stuff website each day to do the morning quiz). A recent blog of mine on the Daily Blog was well-featured by you and got 7,500 views, which is huge for a blogpost in Aotearoa. So well done, Bryce and the team.