NZ Politics Daily - 6 April 2020

6 April 2020
Today's content
Public health strategy
Charlie Mitchell (Stuff): How hard, how early? The numbers behind New Zealand's quick lockdown
David Fisher (Herald): Coronavirus data of New Zealand cases missing and inconsistent - scientist says good data needed for good decisions (paywalled)
Michael Baker and Nick Wilson (Stuff): Five reasons why we must fight, and how it will make New Zealand better
Dan Satherley and Emma Stanford (Newshub): NZ with a chance to be only Western nation to eradicate COVID-19 - expert
Jamie Morton (Herald): NZ's Plan B could mean 'safe havens' for elderly
Sharnae Hope (Stuff): Mayor calls out Ministry for not disclosing case numbers by district
Ian Powell (Stuff): Medical professionals are the Cinderella of this public health emergency
Philip Matthews (Stuff): Man for this moment - epidemiologist Michael Baker
Russell Brown: Michael Baker and the Big House
Luke Malpass (Stuff): Health is important, but it cannot be the Government's only aim
Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Lockdown is essential to avoid economic pain, say ministers. Some disagree
John Minto: Crisis capitalism is on the move and it’s not going to be pretty
Newstalk ZB: Gareth Morgan wants Government to focus on healthcare, not business
Andrew Dickson (Stuff): Sacrificing wealth creation in favour of health salvation provides lessons
Tom O’Connor (Stuff): It's always clear in hindsight
Michael Reddell: Choices
Simon Wilson (Herald): Five big things we need to come out of this alive (paywalled)
Liam Dann (Herald): Eight reasons NZ is well placed to get through this (paywalled)
Richard Harman (Politik): So far, so good
Derek Cheng (Herald): Cabinet to consider next steps as signs emerge the lockdown is working
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Jacinda Ardern says she wants country out of lockdown as soon as possible - but we're still not at halftime
1News: Still too early to know if NZ's coronavirus lockdown will be extended, says Jacinda Ardern
Zane Small (Newshub): Lack of 'recovered' COVID-19 patient testing prompts rethink at Ministry of Health
Damien Grant (Stuff): The first stage of lockdown is acceptance, then try reading a book
Jim Kayes (Newsroom): Chatham Islands: hoping for early release from lockdown
Phil Quin (Stuff): We need more journalists holding government to account, not fewer
Graham Adams (Democracy Project): Bauer bows out (along with #TurnArdern)
Karl du Fresne: A personal perspective on the closure of The Listener
Hayden Donnell (RNZ): A blame guide for the Bauer Media shutdown
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Mediawatch: Speaking truth to Bauer: a wretched week for media
Gordon Campbell: On wage cuts, and the Listener’s demise
Tom Pullar-Strecker (Stuff): Bauer offered magazines to Government for a dollar, but says it got no clear response
Duncan Greive (Spinoff): Faafoi accuses Bauer of ‘running contradictory claims’ over magazine closures
John Weekes (Stuff): Ex-Bauer magazine staff could sue German company after publisher folds, legal experts say
Sally Duggan (Stuff): Bauer closure: 'We're all in this together' - but some are more in it than others
Nicky Pellegrino (Newsroom): Farewell to the Woman’s Weekly
1News: Q+A: Government should 'step up' to support struggling media companies - expert
Mel Bunce (Spinoff): These are crisis times for NZ journalism, in more ways than one
RNZ: TVNZ to apply for wage subsidy
Colin Peacock (RNZ): Mediawatch: ‘Essential service’ exclusion riles local papers
Michael Burgess (Herald): Celebrating the wonderful legacy left by Radio Sport
Lockdown rules and compliance
Andrew Geddis (Pundit): And God Spake All These Words, Saying
Newshub: Rules clarified so Kiwis can resume normal life 'as soon as possible'
RNZ: New Covid-19 lockdown guidelines: No swimming, tramping, boating allowed
Melissa Nightingale (Herald): NZ Outdoors Party criticises lockdown rules
1News: NZ travelling 91% less than usual, Google data shows – but Aussies still out and about
Michelle Cooke (RNZ): Google's tracking Kiwis during Covid-19 lockdown
Dan Satherley (Newshub): The Kiwi towns following the lockdown rules the best
David Clark
RNZ: PM: David Clark 'needs to be a role model'
Sam Sachdeva (Stuff): Clark’s biking calamity a sign of wider confusion
Press Editorial: Making mountain bikes out of molehills
Tova O’Brien (Newshub): Health Minister's mountain biking controversy: Search and rescue say it puts volunteers at risk
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): David Clark doesn't deserve it, but he should be fired
Thomas Manch and Thomas Coughlan (Stuff): Health minister's apology over non-essential drive is enough, minister Grant Robertson says
Thomas Manch (Stuff): Health Minister David Clark apologises to the prime minister for lockdown mountain bike ride
1News: Health Minister apologises after breaching Covid-19 lockdown with mountain bike ride
Dan Sathelrey (Newshub): Health Minister's bike ride shows how confusing lockdown rules are - Judith Collins
Sean Plunket (Newshub): The question of Health Minister David Clark's removal is not debatable
Jason Walls (Herald): Parliament's Speaker Trevor Mallard defends lockdown cycling trips
Testing, contract tracing, border measures
David Williams (Newsroom): Wider testing will reveal true Covid-19 risk
Joanne Carroll (Stuff):Covid-19 testing rates up but still lagging behind some countries
Richard Davison (ODT): Confusion in South as Covid-19 test swabs refused by labs
1News: Government says it is ramping up coronavirus testing, but doctor warns there are no kits
1News: Christchurch mum struggles to get tested for Covid-19
John Weekes (Stuff): Dr Lance O'Sullivan raises concerns about testing availability in Northland
1News: Officials fire back as Dr Lance O'Sullivan lashes out at lack of Covid-19 response in Kaitaia
Jessica Tyson (Māori TV: Dr Lance O’Sullivan criticises health system over lack of COVID-19 testing in Kaitaia
1News: Far North town steps up Covid-19 testing
RNZ: Northland iwi establish coronavirus testing centre
1News: Concern for Pasifika community sees third Covid-19 testing station open in South Auckland
RNZ: Covid-19 testing station opens in Ōtara
Derek Cheng (Herald): 700 close contact traces a day but still no use of Bluetooth tracking
Shannon Redstall (Newshub): Why contact tracing is so important in NZ's fight against COVID-19
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Major IT groups not consulted over race to speed up contact tracing
Cherie Howie (Herald): Privacy Commissioner John Edwards talks to police about location-tracing self-isolation texts
Heather du Plessis-Allan (Herald): Time to get strict on new arrivals (paywalled)
Jane Patterson (RNZ): No sign of tighter controls despite police admission
Zane Small (Newshub): Health boss stands by COVID-19 border measures as National blasts 'not good enough’ response
Dan Satherley (Newshub): No mandatory quarantine because Kiwis have human rights - Labour MP Willie Jackson
Sam Sherwood and Jo McKenzie-McLean (Stuff): Police modify guidelines for frontline officers
RNZ: About 660 police officers and staff in isolation
Sam Sherwood (Stuff): Police lack power to truly enforce lockdown rules
Madison Reidy (Newshub): Police frustrated with lack of power amid COVID-19 lockdown
1News: Concerns in NZ and globally around growing government, police power during lockdowns
Thomas Manch (Stuff): New police commissioner Andy Coster promises to be open to 'respectful challenge’
1News: New Police Commissioner’s unusual advice to front-line staff
Anna Leask (Herald): Police to shave beards to help in fight against virus
Mihingarangi Forbes and John Boynton (The Hui): Most Māori and Pasifika don't feel safe with police Armed Response Teams out and about - survey
Tania Sawicki Mead (RNZ): Time for NZ police to end its armed response pilot
Government, parliament
Andrea Vance (Stuff): Our panic makes us more inclined to conform: here's why we need to push back
Peter Wilson (RNZ): Week in Politics: How many Covid-19 cases do we really have?
Mike Houlahan (ODT): Epidemic committee proves its worth
Steve Braunias (Herald): The Secret Diary of ... Being Kind (paywalled)
Fiona Farrell (Spinoff): Lockdown letters #10: On Ardern and kindness
1News: Economic predictions tricky as true data numbers still to come, Finance Minister says
ODT Editorial: Uncertainty clouds post-virus planning
Julie Iles (NBR): Sir John Key: ‘There is light at the end of the tunnel’ (paywalled)
Brent Melville (BusinessDesk): An end game to covid-19 - John Key (paywalled)
Adrian Orr (Stuff): Economic shockwaves will eventually give way to vibrant, refreshed New Zealand economy
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): OECD expects big impact for NZ economy
Todd Niall (Stuff): How to spot Covid-19's economic hit - check your wallet
Damian George (Stuff): Pressure on Government to bring forward capital projects as part of infrastructure injection
Employment, job losses, pay cuts
Isaac Davison (Herald): 100,000 more New Zealanders could join benefit queue, many for the first time
Sasha Borissenko (Herald): Bosses can't slash and burn (paywalled)
Anuja Nadkarni (Stuff): Sir John Key says 15 per cent pay cut too low for Fletcher executives to take
1News: Fletcher Building on shaky legal ground with pay cuts for workers, employment lawyer warns
Hamish Rutherford (Herald): If Fletcher Building is in this much trouble, who else might be? (paywalled)
1News: Major job losses at SkyCity, restructure underway due to Covid-19 impact
Anne Gibson (Herald): SkyCity axes 200 jobs
RNZ: Covid-19: SkyCity making 200 staff redundant
Rachel Sadler (Newshub): Jacinda Ardern answers employment and wage subsidy questions
Henry Cooke (Stuff): Wage subsidy applicants to be named on Monday
1News: Third of businesses fear permanent closure during Covid-19 crisis
Susan Edmunds (Stuff): Afterpay 'could hold on to tens of thousands' during lockdown, retailer says
Wilhelmina Shrimpton (Newshub): Afterpay withholding payments to New Zealand retailers during lockdown
Nikki Mandow (Newsroom): How do we still have ‘No Paywave’ in a Covid-19 world?
Newshub Nation: Grant Robertson hints at potential rent freeze for business
Zane Small (Newshub): New rules to allow COVID-19-affected businesses to temporarily 'hibernate' debts
Jenée Tibshraeny (Interest): Law change to help companies facing insolvency remain viable
1News: Government announces new plans to help keep struggling businesses afloat
Rachel Thomas (RNZ): Small businesses desperate for commercial rent relief
Nikki Mandow and James Elliott (Newsroom): Pay up, mega shopping mall landlord warns tenants
Deena Coster (Stuff): Whānau-based business likely to be hit worst by economic fallout
Amanda Cropp (Stuff): From hero to zero – what's the future for tourism?
RNZ: Critic of Queenstown flight expansion says time to shift from tourism focus
Debbie Jamieson (Stuff): About 5000 rental cars parked up in Queenstown
RNZ: Z cuts its dividend payout
Looking forward
Christine Rose (Daily Blog): A time for new values?
Michael Wright (Stuff): What will New Zealand look like a year after coronavirus?
John Armstrong (1News): We thought we'd beaten plagues, we were wrong
Herald Editorial: The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has lessons for the world (paywalled)
Morgan Godfery (Spinoff): Lockdown letters #17: Thoughts from under the plum tree
Inequality, welfare
Sonia Yoshioka Braid (Stuff): How a UBI can help New Zealand
Carmen Parahi and John Anthony (Stuff): Ministry of Social Development swamped, as job losses mount
Jason Walls (Herald): Govt to bolster MSD for likely benefit numbers spike
RNZ: Credit card holders with lower scores increased borrowing after lockdown announcement
RNZ: Social services ask for halt of debt collection and fees so families can survive
Herald: Social service groups call for pause to debt recovery, late payment fees and disconnections
Scott Palmer (Newshub): Poverty groups appeal for end of disconnections, debt collection during pandemic
1News: South Auckland marae providing food parcels to those in need during lockdown
Essential workers, business and services
RNZ: Week one of lockdown: What life's been like for essential workers
Maxine Jacobs (Stuff): Essentially a pariah: Health care worker shunned by flatmates due to virus fears
RNZ: Health watchdog worried alcohol retailers given 'almost free reign' during lockdown
Eric Crampton (Stuff): Suppliers to some essential services might be more essential than first thought
1News: Bridges calls for more businesses to safely operate during lockdown
Scott Palmer (Newshub): National calls for Government to let more businesses operate during lockdown if it's safe
Katarina Williams and Laura Wiltshire (Dominion Post): Stretching the supply chain: Supermarkets maintain they're up for the lockdown challenge
Donna-Lee Biddle (Stuff): Benefit days see mass supermarket gatherings amid lockdown
RNZ: Nine to Noon: Supermarket issues: pricing, queues, online deliveries
Catrin Owen (Stuff): Carer denied priority entry to Countdown despite being 'essential' worker
Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): Further calls for calm after Auckland supermarket manager 'punched in the face'
Caroline Williams (Stuff): Woman charged after allegedly punching supermarket worker in the face
Hospitals, health system
Tom Dillane and Chris Knox (Herald): New Zealand's best and worst prepared DHBs by elderly population and ICU beds
Jenna Lynch (Newshub): Auckland doctor threatened by bosses to stop wearing extra PPE or be stood down
RNZ: Orders for more ventilators finalised by Ministry of Health
Rowan Quinn (RNZ): Surgical masks essential when dealing with all hospital patients, staff told
Michael Morrah (Newshub): St John denies ambulance for potential coronavirus patient
Bridie Witton (Stuff): Fewer GP visits will eventually put pressure on hospitals, experts say
Amelia Wade (Herald): Hospitals repurposed to handle surge of patients
1News: Hospitals across NZ preparing for potential influx of Covid-19 patients
Emma Russell (Herald): Health Minister David Clark announces North Shore Hospital converts building to treat virus patients
Stuff: District Health board to review resuscitation policy for Covid-19 patients
RNZ: New Zealand hospitals prepare to handle virus patients
Kurt Bayer (Herald): Shipping containers on standby as makeshift morgues if NZ has surge in deaths
1News: Multiple Auckland DHB staff test positive for coronavirus
Josie Adams (Spinoff): The squeeze on healthcare in locked-down New Zealand
RNZ: Plunket cuts back on services to prioritise needs during lockdown
Benn Bathgate (Stuff): New life, and new birthing procedures, amidst the lockdown
1News: Midwives under pressure due to overwork and lack of support amid Covid-19 crisis
Imran Ali (Northern Advocate): Flu vaccines in short supply in Northland
Emma Russell (Herald): Revealed: Dying patients sent to ICU hospital 'solely for organ donation', families in the dark
Masks and protective gear
Phil Pennington (RNZ): Epidemiologist says safer to wear masks, but priority should be health workers
1News: NZ not following USA's lead on face masks yet, Ministry of Health says - 'We're not in that position'
1News: Review underway into possible wider use of face masks in NZ
Jason Walls (Herald): WHO to advise NZ health officials on new face mask measures
Farah Hancock (Newsroom): Face masks for all - the science
Joseph Judd (Interest): Government messaging on face masks could cost lives
Charlie Dreaver (RNZ): Grassroots movement hopes to provide masks
Patrick Gower (Newshub): Urgently-needed protective equipment touches down in Auckland
Māori health response
Mihingarangi Forbes and John Boynton (The Hui): Call for better data collection during testing of Māori
Elana Curtis (E-Tangata): An open letter to the government from a Māori public health specialist
Stuff: Te Arawa launches Covid-19 support hub amid calls for 'extraordinary effort from all of us'
Mental health
1News: Jacinda Ardern 'worries' about Kiwis mental health during lockdown
James Fyfe (Newshub): 'We have so much to be grateful for': Mike King's advice to survive the lockdown
1News: Mike King takes Gumboot Friday mental health appeal online with lockdown chat show
Hospice, rest homes and older New Zealanders
Nicholas Jones (Herald): Mercy Hospice Auckland visitors restricted to one person who must stay onsite and not leave
Mike Tweed (Whanganui Chronicle): Hospice Whanganui manager 'humbled' by staff efforts
Karoline Tuckey (RNZ): Rest homes will not admit residents without a negative Covid-19 test
Kim Moodie (Herald): Christchurch cluster linked to rest home
Foreign affairs
1News: Jacinda Ardern fires back at Australia's temporary visa stance
Herald: PM hits back at Australian Government telling Kiwis to go home
RNZ: Australia urges New Zealanders without support to return home
Audrey Young (Herald): Where is the global response to a global crisis? (paywalled)
John Weekes (Stuff): NZ spies getting 'significant' intel from allies, elsewhere around the world about coronavirus case numbers
Andrea Vance, Iain McGregor and Blair Ensor (Stuff): Detainees plea to be released from 'death trap' detention centres
Melissa Nightingale (Herald): South Korean diplomat charged with indecent assault in Wellington (paywalled)
Transport, travel
Melanie Carroll (Stuff): What's the deal with Air New Zealand's credits?
1News: Air NZ averaging about two passengers per flight during coronavirus lockdown, exec says
Karoline Tuckey (RNZ):Loss of 600 jobs as Virgin Australia shuts its NZ operations
Chloe Ranford (RNZ): Picton ferry terminal consultation moves online
Karoline Tuckey (RNZ): West Auckland airport Parakai's expansion wins ministry boost
Brad Flahive (Stuff): Auckland homes to be demolished to make way for Harbour Bridge cycle path
Anan Zaki (Stuff): Ballooning companies fear going under due to rising compliance costs
Local government
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Call to dump 1 million litres of sludge into Cook Strait to cut costs
Kate Nicol-Williams (1News): Wellington City Council considering dumping wastewater into Cook Strait
Damian George with Joel MacManus, Andre Chumko (Stuff): Wellington City Council reveals proposed coronavirus economic recovery plan
Joel MacManus (Stuff): Wellington Mayor Andy Foster hits back at Taxpayers' Union over spending criticisms
1News: 'That's not cool' - Wellington mayor says off-lead dogs are putting others at risk from coronavirus
Andre Chumko (Stuff): German specialists granted permission to fly to New Zealand to fix failing Wellington pipe
RNZ: First Carterton District Mayor Barry Keys dies
Community lockdowns, holiday home breaches
Natalie Akoorie (Herald): Popular Kiwi hotspots shun visitors, iwi want military
Nikki Preston (Herald): New sign warning 'don't be an egg' seen as friendlier alternative to keep visitors out of Raglan
Eva Corlett (RNZ): Resident furious outsiders ignoring lockdown to use holiday homes
Alison Smith (Bay of Plenty Times): Bach owners relocating during lockdown ready for Easter
Primary and extractive industries
Lydia Lewis and Mark Quinlivan (Newshub): 'Huge victory for the ocean' - Greenpeace on banning of trawling Taranaki seafloor
Holly Carran (Newshub): Court of appeal bans mining company from trawling Taranaki seafloor
Robin Martin (RNZ): Environmental group lauds 'victory for the oceans' after mining company loses appeal
Robin Martin (RNZ): Mining company loses appeal to mine ironsands off Taranaki coast
Kate Nicol-Williams (1News): Taranaki iwi welcome Court of Appeal decision on seabed mining consent
Lois Williams (RNZ): Goldmining on hold during Covid-19 lockdown
Kaitlin Ruddock (1News): Kiwi primary sector proving its worth during coronavirus outbreak
Logan Savory (Southland Times): 'Thank God for farmers' being the economy's backbone, says economist
RNZ: Pork industry leaders continue talks with government over surplus problem
Zane Small (Newshub): Union tells Shane Jones to restrict wood exports overseas or 'voters will cut him down'
RNZ: Apple, pear harvesting continues with strict rules
Eric Frykberg (RNZ): Oil and gas ban lacked consultation - report
Marty Sharpe (Stuff): Fishing company fined for failing to pay full wages to vulnerable Indonesian crew members
Mariné Lourens (Stuff): Bolder approach needed' in running justice system during lockdown
Sam Hurley (Herald): 'Huge human cost' to court delays, says Chief Justice Helen Winkelmann
1News: Courts make shifts to deal with huge backlog of cases amid lockdown
Tania Sawicki Mead (Spinoff): People in prisons are at risk: here’s how we can protect them
Sam Hurley (Herald): Wellington's Justice Susan Thomas announced as new Chief High Court Judge
Anneke Smith (RNZ): Justice Venning steps down from top role
Anneka Smith (RNZ): Defence lawyers form national organisation with focus on Māori outcomes
1News: Government announces continuation of current sport funding models during coronavirus
Ollie Ritchie (Newshub): National sporting organisations embracing governments help
RNZ: Funding certainty for NSOs
Adrian Seconi (ODT): Mainland doomed as virus takes toll
RNZ: Netball Mainland being placed in liquidation
RNZ: The future of rugby unions in Pacific uncertain
RNZ: Number of Covid-19 cases jump in Fiji
RNZ: Fiji residents adjust to new way of life
RNZ: Border between Samoas should remain closed - health officials
RNZ: Cook Islands cash reserves to last six months of Covid-19 crisis
Domestic violence and lockdown for the vulnerable
RNZ: Women's Refuge sees high demand during Covid-19 lockdown
Stuff: Women's Refuge see increase in domestic violence during lockdown
Ruwani Perera (The Hui): How struggling whanau are getting by during the level 4 rāhui
Tracy Neal (RNZ): Salvation Army worries about rise in online gambling sites
Murphy (RNZ): Concerns for LGBTQI people in unsafe homes during Covid-19 lockdown
Karoline Tuckey (RNZ): Overseas travellers relieved to be heading home
RNZ: More than 70 New Zealanders still stuck on cruise ships
Sarah Robson (RNZ): Rotorua couple stranded in Israel after flight suspensions
Kaysha Brownlie (Newshub): Kiwis stuck overseas desperate for Government help to get home
Dan Satherley and Kayshaw Brownlie (Newshub): Kiwi stuck in remote Amazon city fears she'll never get home
RNZ: Solution 'close' for New Zealanders stranded in Peru
Daisy Hudson (ODT): Dunedin man flightless in Tierra del Fuego
Rosie Gordon (Newshub): Coronavirus lockdown's environmental benefits may be offset by axing recycling
Will Harvie (Stuff): What's happening to NZ wildlife when humans locked down
Amber-Leigh Woolf (Stuff): Native birds explore empty Wellington during coronavirus lockdown
Deena Coster (Stuff): Social inequalities could be strengthened by ongoing forces of climate change
Amber-Leigh Woolf (Stuff): Wellington's Zealandia bird sanctuary could suffer from tip expansion
Georgina Campbell (Herald): Students want university fee rebate
Simon Collins (Herald): AUT students in uproar over plan to start lectures again from scratch and stay 'til Christmas
RNZ: Otago University will not answer Critics' queries after scathing Covid-19 opinion piece
Laura Smith (ODT): Continuity of study monitored, remote options engaged
Simon Day (Spinoff): Why more Māori professors are essential for Aotearoa’s universities
Stuff’s The Homicide Report
Blair Ensor and Andy Fyers (Stuff): The Homicide Report: Understanding NZ's killers
Blair Ensor, Edward Gay and Andy Fyers (Sutff): The Homicide Report: 2019 the worst year for intimate partner homicide in a decade
Blair Ensor (Stuff): Gangs playing 'Russian roulette' with tit-for-tat shootings
Hamish McNeilly (Stuff): One fight got out of hand, and it led to two sad deaths
Kirkpatrick Mariner (E-Tangata): Digitally, we aren’t ready for this pandemic
Breanna Barraclough 1News): Cell towers being upgraded but no new ones installed during lockdown
Terry Baucher (Interest): The top 5 likely tax impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
Terry Baucher (Interest): Keeping up with the IRD & Govt COVID-19 response
Gareth Vaughan (Interest): Govt's bank deposit insurance scheme not scheduled to take full effect until 2023
Herald: Former US ambassador to UN Samantha Power on Helen Clark not getting top job
Rob Kidd (ODT): Disruption of grieving rituals ‘heartbreaking’
Leigh-Marama McLachlan (RNZ): Case of suicide in care warrants further investigation - Children's Commissioner
Fran O’Sullivan (Herald): In crisis, beware the front page test (paywalled)
RNZ: 16 cases linked to Ruby Princess cruise ship
Patrick Gower (Newshub): New Hawke's Bay cluster linked to Ruby Princess cruise ship responsible for hundreds of Australian cases
Kate Newton (RNZ): One street: Life under lockdown
Penny Ashton (Spinoff): Your taxes support artists, and that’s OK
Elizabeth White (Newshub): Royal NZ Ballet, NZ Symphony Orchestra cellist perform online concerts during lockdown
1News: Device use for kids, a key to handling lockdown - PM quizzes psychologist on how parents should cope
Caroline Williams (Stuff): Former Conservative party leader Colin Craig did not defame John Stringer, court rules